Safety/Security/Always-Bring notes


Always Bring: Please remember to bring a pocket knife and gloves for each member when you come to the garden. You should also keep a copy of these notes, our current contact list and maybe even the latest gardengram with you as well.

Yellow Entrance Gate: The general rule is to “leave it like you find it”. That means always closed and locked (chain-lock-lock-chain through beefy part of the gate).  

Electric Fence: Always turn off the fence power when you arrive at the garden (check it even if you are not the first to arrive). It is safest to turn off the power and unplug it at the charger. For lightning threats, turn off and unplug the power and also open the knife switch at the fence. If you are the last to leave, engage the power unless lightning is forecast. The fence charger should read between “4” and “7” if properly engaged. Please Call Lloyd if it reads otherwise or you are leaving the power off.

Ticks:  Lyme disease has been prevalent at JBWS.  Suggestions include wearing long pants, tucking trousers into socks/boots, spraying with repellant (sprays on hand in potting shed) and doing a thorough tick check at the end of the garden day.

Greenhouse: Our GH season is roughly March 1 through May 30. Peggy usually handles the watering, etc. during the week, and we cover weekends and her absences.  The best time to water in the GH is late afternoon. Always check for watering needs, circulation, high/low temperatures, mice issues, and record your findings in the GH Log. Peanut butter for the traps is kept in the barn refrigerator. On bright, sunny or even warm days; please leave the glass GH door open to improve cooling. The screen must be closed if the glass door is open. If there is a threat of freezing, please turn off the water at the frost proof  tap, open the spigot at the GH, and disconnect and leave the hose inside the GH. If  issues arise (below freezing temps in the GH, etc.), please call Lloyd.

Garden Gates: Please minimize using the truck entrance gates. If needed, open only the left side (as you face the garden, back to the river). Always check to see that all gates are closed and secured when you are the last to leave. For the truck gate that means both pipes in their receptacles and all strings tied securely.

Garden: The most important garden maintenance activities are weeding and watering. Try to weed as you harvest and plan to dedicate hours to this chore. Large weeds are piled at the row ends in the driving lanes for discard. Please replace straw mulch as needed. Check for watering needs-if the soil is damp 1-2” deep, it may be sufficient. It is especially important to clean the source end filters, burp air out of the lines when engaging the irrigation system and check for source end and end cap leaks after they have stabilized. Always walk the lines and listen for leaks in our drip irrigation system and either repair or inform Lloyd, Steve or Ted. Make sure all water lines are turned off if you are the last to leave. Check plants carefully for Colorado potato beetle adults, larvae and egg masses (they can also appear on tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, etc.), collect and destroy and report findings to Lloyd. Finally, always log your work (watering, insect patrol, weeding, etc.) in the Garden Log in the open shed near the fence charger.

Thanks for helping to keep us and the garden safe and productive-Lloyd